Imagine how much faster ​​​​​​​
your momentum could be moving


You've got the clients, the results, and the proven track record to rise to your next level.

The only problem?

Your copy's waaay outdated...and it's slowing you down. (Yikes.)


The good news? 

Your business growth can be way more robust when you pour conversion copy on the fire you've already started.

That's because conversion copy is crafted based on:

☑ meticulous research into your audience

☑ studying your competitors to see where you specifically outshine them​​​​​​​

and zeroing in on the exact messages your ideal clients need to hear to say YES!

(At least, it is the way I do it!)


 The secret to more sales is in your conversion copy


Andrea Deierlein

Founder & Chief Energy Officer at Thrive Reiki


I have two lapsed clients come back for sessions and I think I can thank your emails for this. One responded after the first PAIN-CHANGER email and came for the session a few weeks later (and bought another 3-session-plan) and another is coming for a session today (her last session was in August 2019).

I saw that these two women engaged with the newsletters. :D


Conversion copy isn’t pulled out of thin air.
It’s meticulously researched and calibrated
so that prospects naturally say YES!


That's because conversion copy follows a proven series of steps--from research to analyzing competitors to messaging to writing--that I've learned from powerhouses Jo Wiebe and Betsy Muse.
(And conversion copy the way I do it also has the finishing flair of my years as an award-winning, research-publishing writer.)

But why should you ultimately invest in conversion copy?

Because when you have conversion copy powering your website, it takes the heavy lifting of moving ideal clients towards YES! off your plate. So that you can spend your time on other important pieces of your business, whether that's growing your audience or pursuing your big-dream mission of ensuring more representation in our communities.

(OK--that's my big-dream mission. But if that resonated with you, I have a feeling we'd get along.) 

If you're ready to pour copy on the's how we can work together. 


Get premium copy for your premium packages


Web Copy Glow Up

There's no doubt about it: whether you wrote your website yourself when you first got started or had someone do it quickly for you--you've outgrown it. It doesn't match you or your business now...and you can't rely on outdated copy to sell your $10k packages. 

My web copy packages are built from the ground up, meaning that I do extensive research to figure out what makes your audience buy, what you do in your field better than anyone else, and what the core messages that drive sales for you are.


You get allllll my distilled insights wrapped up into:

  • weekly updates (never doubt that you're top-of-mind for me)

  • your Messaging Playbook (use it to drive all your marketing)

  • and a polished website that moves your ideal clients towards YES!

Level up your copy...and get your website set up to drive business growth for you. 



Start smaller—but still get BIG wins


Messaging Playbook

Every time you level up your business, you need to level up everything else--including the messaging you're using to attract the right people for the next iteration

The only problem? You're prone to overthinking your messaging--so much so that you go in circles...instead of actually getting anything done. 

That's why my Messaging Playbook is here to help you stop overthinking--by giving you the exact messages your ideal clients need to hear from you to move towards saying YES! 


Over two weeks, we dive into you and your business while I go down the research rabbit hole to figure out your new ideal client, their (unvoiced) pains and desires, why they need YOU, and the mind-reader messages they need to hear from you to feel seen.

Walk away with 8-10 pages of messaging you and your team can refer to for at least 6 months to a year–if not indefinitely–to drive your marketing and sales. 


Small Start, Big Win Copy Polish

Your SSBW Copy Polish is designed so that you get a professional set of eyes on your copy–without the full-on project price tag and wait time. 

In one week, get easy ways to level up your copy. I make sure your materials pass my checklist for success and you walk away with: 

  • A Loom video review of your entire site for places you can quickly improve user experience and navigation 

  • Detailed copy recommendations on either: Two webpages of your choice OR a Long-Form Sales Page 

  • Professional transcript

  • Your checklist of exact steps

  • Brainstorming for attention-grabbing headlines--use these on your site or in copy elsewhere


Quick Clicks Email Polish

Your Quick Clicks Email Polish is designed to help you send more qualified buyers from your emails to your landing pages, ready to buy.

In one week, get recommendations on optimizing three emails for more opens and engagements. I make sure your materials pass my checklist for success and you walk away with: 

  • A video review of three emails from your webinar sequence, sales sequence, OR abandoned cart sequence

  • Detailed recommendations on optimizing emails for opens and engagements

  • Professional transcript

  • Your checklist of exact next steps

  • Copy for subject lines & CTAs to test


Psst…Not seeing what you're looking for?
Contact us and we'll get back to you in 48 hours.


Get a copywriter who understands buyer psychology


Betsy Muse

Creator, Copyhackers’ Master of About Pages course
Founder, Rocket Fuel Strategy

Mimi is one of the very few people I trust with my copy. Her thorough research techniques and deep understanding of buyer psychology means that any copy she writes or optimizes is going to appeal to and persuade the right audience for the offer.

I trusted Mimi long before she was one of only 9 people in the world certified by Copyhackers as an Email Copywriter & Strategist. That designation only sweetens the deal.

If you’re looking for copywriter who can write persuasive conversion-focused copy for your website or email flows, do yourself a favor and hire Mimi.


 “[Mimi’s] changes...resulted in more engagement”


Maritza Coscarelli

Founder & Chief Empowerment Officer at Maritza Coscarelli Coaching

I had the most wonderful experience working on my website content with Mimi Zhou. Her thoughtful questions, deep listening and resulting copy helped me to express key parts of my personal and brand story.

Mimi also provided some useful insights for editing my website. The changes on my "Homepage" and "About me" resulted in more engagement. It is my pleasure to endorse Mimi not only for her copywriting and editing skills but for her customer service and thoughtful guidance. I will turn to Mimi for more help in the future. You should, too.


“I strongly recommend that you work with Mimi”


Jo Wiebe

Founder, Copyhackers

Mimi is one of those really quiet, unexpected copywriting talents interested in the planning and strategy side of email--which is rare to find. And then really curious about how to write emails that convert better and better all the time.

There's definitely a quietness about Mimi that might take you by surprise when you see just how strong her work is.

I strongly recommend that you work with her, get a chance to connect with her, even just chat with her.